最后更新于2024年3月5日星期二13:45:00 GMT

We couldn’t pass up the opportunity to bring 波士顿棕熊 legend Ray Bourque into the herd as we continue to expand our Bruins jersey sponsorship.

雷绝对是棕熊队球迷心目中的英雄. He has cemented his status in the annals of Boston sports history through 21 seasons in the black 和 gold 和 completely reinvented the game. 他保持着NHL的进球、助攻和更多防守球员的记录. Ray’s relentless offense 和 tireless defense helped the Bruins comm和 the attack surface. To top it off, he’s worn numbers 7 和 77, making this partnership feel like kismet.

本着我们共享的数字联系的精神, 我们让雷回答了关于他在冰上的七个快速问题, 他在冰上工作, 以及他与Rapid7的合作.

你在棕熊队最难忘的记忆是什么? (也许是你的前三名?)

在波士顿打了21年球,很难把它缩小到一个. 我在波士顿打球的时候,有几个时刻真的很突出. 其中一款是我的第一款游戏. 那是最超现实的感觉, 意识到我已经进入了NHL, 这是我记事以来的梦想吗.

Another night that st和s out is the night the Bruin’s surprised Phil Esposito with the retirement of his #7 jersey 和 we revealed my new number, 77. 那是一个特别的时刻.

我将永远坚持的一个晚上是花园的闭幕. So many amazing alumni came out onto the ice after the game 和 took their last skate on The Garden ice. 他们最后宣布的球员是诺曼·勒维尔, 谁患了脑动脉瘤,结束了他的职业生涯. 他的梦想是再滑一次. Norm和 和 I had a special relationship, as he did not speak 英语 when coming to Boston. 我们会成为室友, 吃饭时要挨着坐, 他会点和我一样的餐,因为他看不懂菜单. Being able to take him on his final skate around The Garden ice was one of my favorite moments as a Boston Bruin.

今年是棕熊队百年纪念. 波士顿100年的曲棍球历史对你来说意味着什么?

Anyone who has had the opportunity to play for one of the Original 6 teams underst和s how much of an impact that history 和 energy has on a team. 活到100岁是一项不可思议的壮举, 和 having such an incredible city support a team for that long is impressive. 这充分说明了球迷的奉献精神, 所有权, 管理, 以及围绕波士顿棕熊队建立的文化. I am grateful for the opportunity to have played for an Original 6 team for 21 years of my career 和 be a part of such a unique 和 inspiring culture for so much of my career.

How important is the work the Bruins are doing in the community to engage youth from all backgrounds to grow the sport of hockey?

作为一个整体,NHL在包容性方面做得很好, 和 this initiative wouldn’t be possible without the support of each team 和 their supporters who expand upon these efforts like Rapid7. So many people from so many different backgrounds have flourished in the sport 和 it is becoming something that is available to everyone. Having new teams 和 expanding the game has opened hockey to so many new regions. That has allowed kids to grow up with hockey in their community 和 give them the opportunity to dream of playing in the NHL.

Doors are wide open for anyone that wants to get involved 和 enjoy the game of hockey, 在任何层面上, 和 I think that is so important because there is so much to 学习 和 take away from the sport at all levels.

你可能很难想象, but just go with us for a minute here: If professional hockey had never worked out, 你想要什么样的职业?

我不知道我会怎么做,你说得对,很难想象. 我从没想过要做别的事. 13岁的时候,我开始和我的队友分开. 在我的发展过程中,我发现了另一个可以让我提高技能的工具, 15岁时,我开始玩游戏, 加入16-20岁少年队. 从那时起,我就有了进入NHL的梦想.

If I wasn’t a professional hockey player, I think I would still be involved in sports in some way. 运动是我青春的重要组成部分, 打曲棍球和棒球, 和 I would want to have the same impact on young athletes that my coaches 和 trainers had on me. 我不确定那会把我带向何方, but it is something I am passionate about 和 would have enjoyed spending my time on.

As a legend in the sport, you've had your pick of organizations to align yourself with. Rapid7跟你说了什么?

从我们谈话的一开始, Rapid7给我留下了深刻的印象. 很明显,这个团队正朝着同一个方向努力, 感觉就像一个你想加入的团队,成为其中的一员. Their positive 和 inclusive culture makes it an environment you are excited to be a part of. 最重要的是, what they are doing is so important to today’s world 和 their work can truly make a difference.

What are the most important aspects of the Bourque Family Foundation you would like people to underst和? 他们怎么能参与进来呢?

Giving back is something that has been a significant part of my family since we moved to Boston when I was 18. 波士顿棕熊队是一支非常慈善的球队, 和 as a young player I quickly became involved in the community through the charitable efforts we did as a team.

养家糊口, 我妻子和我把同样的价值观灌输给我们的孩子, 我们所有人都为回馈社会尽了自己的一份力量. The Bourque Family Foundation is a way for us to come together 和 combine our charitable efforts. 我和我的家人对我们的工作充满热情, from supporting individuals with spinal cord injuries to having an ongoing initiative to support the fight against ALS. We are able to touch so many different parts of our community 和 so many causes. Being able to bring our gr和children into this as well is just a very special feeling, 和 I look forward to seeing the continued impact we can all make together with the amount of passion 和 love for this work that exists in my family.

We have 3 core events that are a great way to get involved; the 7.7公里公路赛,布尔克高尔夫,以及纪念皮特·弗雷茨的船长之球. 最重要的是, there are some 3rd party initiatives as well that we are a part of that allow our community to raise funds. 如果你要参加任何布尔克家族基金会的活动, 我们可以保证你会玩得很开心,我们会在做这件事的同时筹集到很多钱.

As the sport of hockey continues to spread further around North America 和 the world, any advice for those talented youngsters who dream of taking up the sport 和 making it to the NHL someday?

我能说的最重要的事情是努力工作,享受乐趣. 相信你自己,相信你的梦想. Being dedicated in terms of your 职业道德 和 preparation will get you far 和 so will doing so with open eyes 和 open ears. There is so much value to be 学习ed by everything that is happening around you. 曲棍球是一项伟大的运动,不管它把你带到哪里. 你可以学到很多关于团队合作的经验, 领导, 职业道德, 以及作为一个团队的一员所带来的一切. 接近比赛,愿意努力工作, 学习, 奉献会让你走得更远, 不管你在哪里结束.

结果出来了, NHL great 和 Boston sports legend Ray Bourque answering seven rapid questions from Rapid7. 如果你愿意,你也可以 了解更多 about how Ray 和 Rapid7 are working together to support hockey 和 continue icing out cyber threats everywhere.